#21: If You’re Looking at CPM Scheduling/Rigorous CPM Schedule Review as Just Another Project Cost – Your Already in Trouble – Here’s Why:

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When scheduling is done properly – it saves and makes you more than it costs. So if you are looking at the money it costs you, without looking at the money it makes you, then you are only looking at half the picture. I realize that most schedules are poorly designed /under – developed, do not model the building approach …

#18: Critical Path Methodologies: A Necessary Evil or The Answer to Your Prayers

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Are you part of the masses or part of the classes? Are you leveraging? Do you want to experience career hyper-growth? Are you managing your projects with a to-do list? Do you have momentum issues? Are you looking for better project outcomes? Do you want to be part of the top 5% of CM’s/PM’s that know the difference? Pick one …

#4: Too Green – Too Few

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I have seen a lot written recently about project failures and there seems to be a few popular opinions circulating that are polar opposite to what I have learned over the last 22 years in the trenches. I am often called in to build recovery schedules. I have seen my fair share of project failures – or at least projects …