#21: If You’re Looking at CPM Scheduling/Rigorous CPM Schedule Review as Just Another Project Cost – Your Already in Trouble – Here’s Why:

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When scheduling is done properly – it saves and makes you more than it costs. So if you are looking at the money it costs you, without looking at the money it makes you, then you are only looking at half the picture. I realize that most schedules are poorly designed /under – developed, do not model the building approach …

#17: Owners: Reduce Change-orders and Lead Contractors to Achieve Extraordinary Project Outcomes

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You know that the cost and time required to complete a project once it is designed, correlates directly with the building approach and execution of the project work. It is only through optimization of the building approach and execution, that both the owner and builder can realize significant gains of time/money. It is stagnation of the building approach / execution …

#9: 7 CPM Tips: Supers/PM’s/CM’s This One’s For You

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CPM tip #1: Hire a scheduler with Construction Management experience The ideal career path for a scheduler is: Superintendent->Project Manager-> Construction Scheduler. It is the career path less traveled; but if you can find even one such scheduler, you will have really found something. A scheduler without construction experience can’t build a schedule without the help from a CM type. …