#21: If You’re Looking at CPM Scheduling/Rigorous CPM Schedule Review as Just Another Project Cost – Your Already in Trouble – Here’s Why:

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When scheduling is done properly – it saves and makes you more than it costs. So if you are looking at the money it costs you, without looking at the money it makes you, then you are only looking at half the picture. I realize that most schedules are poorly designed /under – developed, do not model the building approach …

#20: Need A Primavera Scheduler With Construction Experience to Start Work Immediately … Don’t Hold Your Breath

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The problem is they just don’t exist – at least not in the numbers that they are needed. But I have a solution for you. What if I could provide you with a Primavera expert (a certified PSP) with extensive construction trade/trade management experience? What if: He could build and install your baseline (GC’s) or perform schedule review services (A&E’s) …

#19: Aim Small – Miss Small

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Then he asked the kids: What did I tell you about shooting? Aim small – miss small, they replied. It was years before I made the connection between aim small – miss small and PM/CM and project controls. I learned this catchy saying watching the movie, The Patriot. In the movie, Mel Gibson’s character is raising a bunch of kids …

15: Game Changer …

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Extraordinary project outcomes require skill-sets that your staff does not have.  Extraordinary project outcomes include all of the following: Ahead of schedule finish/ Under budget finish/ Satisfied client that recommends your company to others/ Low employee turnover/ Low subcontractor turnover/ No serious human or environmental casualties/ All of the six project attributes above are rooted in Advanced Project Controls. Are …

#10: Does Partnership Trump Leadership?

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Does leadership really require leadership? Can’t we partner our way around it?  Not if we’re looking for results that exceed mediocre… I can’t tell you how many owner-side construction managers I have met recently that have told me that they partner with their construction managers, therefore do not require any help with schedule review services. I realize the CM agency design/build …

#5: Construction Management Beyond Reproach [on the job]

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Your projects seem very interesting. I would like to talk with you more about how to use a rigorous schedule update review process to optimize construction management. I call it; construction management beyond reproach (CMBR). I am not talking about nitpicking the minor aspects of the schedule. I agree with you, that is futile. What I am talking about is validating …

#2: Construction Management Succeeds When PM Teams Understand These 3 Concepts:

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1. They understand the need to design and develop a valid CPM baseline schedule to model the actual building approach, including fully tied-in; design, submittal, construction, inspection and commissioning activities. 2. They understand the need to update and archive the master schedule weekly. They record as-built data in the course of the update. They do not use detached weekly look-ahead …